As a long term fan of jointed hands I created my own pair.
I introduced several innovations:
1. The wrist joint and the palm are one whole. You won't dislocate the palm by rotating or bending it.
2. The fingers can be bent to the back of the hand. The knuckles are placed on the first phalanx and move according to the human anatomy.
3. I'm the second artist who did an oval base for the thumb, and I'm the first one who managed to make this joint really working.
Also there are other advantages:
No more annoying rotating of three central fingers! While the pinky can be rotated and tilted away from the rest of the fingers, for the ultimate expression. It won't rotate round full circle though, as the wire is bent at an angle and goes into the palm.
I was the first person who wired jointed hands back in 2012, and it provided a much better posing. My jointed hands will come to you assembled and wired as well. So you just have to put them on your doll's wrists and enjoy posing.
You can preorder the jointed hands on my site.
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